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文书解析:公司的行政费用账号——Executive Expense Accounts         ★★★

文书解析:公司的行政费用账号——Executive Expense Accounts

作者:闵涛 文章来源:闵涛的学习笔记 点击数:1310 更新时间:2010/3/9 20:09:56

As a result of the hint of global recession and the drop in tourism following the September 11 attacks, the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) began projecting a deficit. As a result, we made significant revisions to our existing budget for the fiscal year ending in March of the following year, but the forecast for the rest of the calendar year seemed especially unfavorable.

I initiated an internal revision of each expense account to identify further potential expense reductions. In my review, I realized that the personal expense accounts of CHA executives were over budget.

Because my discovery involved corporate executives' personal accounts, I hesitated before raising the topic and carefully considered my approach. I knew expenses incurred by executives were privileged. At the same time, I had a responsibility to be objective and address sensitive accounting issues. I scheduled a meeting with those responsible for the problem and the financial comptroller to discuss the actions to be taken before presenting the findings to the board. We decided to propose that the accounts be adjusted to a sum that would meet the revised budget guidelines and require that amounts over the budget be reimbursed by each executive. I felt confident about the substance of my recommendation, but I feared that presenting my point of view to the directors might generate controversy.

At the next Board of Directors meeting, I presented my expense accounts analysis. Most of the meeting went smoothly, but when I presented the amounts to be reimbursed by each executive, the room felt icy. The executives proposed that I cut other expenses that were crucial to our organization's profitable operation instead of the personal accounts in question. They hinted that if I did this, I would be rewarded by the organization once the financial crisis was over.

The next day, I discussed my concerns in a closed meeting with the financial comptroller. I stood by my recommendation despite the executives' offer.

When the time came for a final decision to be made, I reiterated my recommendations before the firm's top executives and the financial comptroller. I was surprised and gratified when my recommendations were accepted, the proposed expense cuts approved, and the affected executives put on personal repayment plans.

In retrospect, I am proud that I decided not to cave to the top management's request to overlook the size of their personal expense accounts. Although I initially feared for my career, the executives and I continue to share a relationship based on mutual respect. By standing by my convictions, I proved, perhaps ironically, worthy of their esteem and their trust.












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